About Sentech AS
Sentech AS was established in 1995, with headquarters and manufacturing in Oslo, Norway.
In its early days, the company developed and patented the SeCaP Single Electrode Capacitance sensor technology, in close cooperation with the SINTEF research center in Trondheim and Norsk Hydro Research Centre in Porsgrunn (now operated by Equinor).
This SeCaP sensor now forms the core of a range of products that provide highly accurate, stable and versatile measurement solutions for the oil and gas and subsea production markets.
Our history
How it all began
In the early nineties, a small leisure boat fitted with a diesel engine crashed into a ponton because the engine stopped at the very moment the skipper put the gear in reverse. The crash caused limited but very annoying damages to the front section of the boat. When investigating the incident the skipper found that the engine had stopped because of water in the fuel system. The skipper asked his good friend and colleague Bjørn Engebretsen to come up with an alarm system to warn him if and when water was to re-enter into the fuel system.
Bjørn came back to the skipper with a single, small sensor that was mounted into the fuel filter. The sensor sounded an acoustic alarm when water was detected in the fuel.
Sentech AS backtracks its unique, patented SeCaP sensor technology to that incident, although the product portfolio today has little to do with the alarm system for the unfortunate skipper.

Cooperation with research centers
In the early years after the company was established in 1995, Sentech AS cooperated with Norwegian research center SINTEF, and throughout its history, most of our products have been developed and tested in close co-operation with Norsk Hydro Reaserch Centre in Porsgrunn, Norway (now one of Equinor’s seven global research centers).
Who do Sentech AS serve?
The SeCaP technology and Sentech products have numerous applications. Our customers are typically:
Major, National, Independent Oil & Gas and Energy Companies
Onshore, Offshore and Subsea EPC Contractors, Technology Integrators and Service Companies
Food Processing Equipment and Technology Providers
Advanced Testing Labs
What are we working for?
Sentech AS’ unique technology allows operators to see through walls of vessels and piping.
Innovation, Integrity, Accountability and Customer Focus.
Certifications and Qualifications
Sentech AS holds all standard quality, type and management system certificates required to supply products to the global oil and gas industry.

Links to our certifications and qualifications
Sentech AS is rapidly expanding into new customers and markets, and will be hiring to accommodate increased turnover and new product developments.
Open positions are announced on the Sentech AS LinkedIn page.